Sunday, November 3, 2013

Things I see every day, but only for a little longer...

Simple, day-to-day routine is taking on a new meaning now that I'm faced with the reality of leaving it behind.  What used to be a walk to the grocery story, a morning commute, or a daily jog are now events of nostalgia and deep importance.  Here is some of my day-to-day life in Ireland, captured so I can always remember the little things I often took for granted.

View of the sunrise from my bedroom window

 My morning walk on the beach

 My grocery store
 Aviva Stadium, right next to the apartment
The local D.A.R.T station (Dublin Area Rapid Transit) just like LightRail in San Jose

Inside the car, everything on the wrong side :)

Going out the front gate of the apartment complex

And here comes the daily commutte

The Dublin Convention Center...the rings light up at night, and every week it's a different color.  Very cool!

I love the colorful doors

The Belvedere corner store, one of the landmarks I used to learn the way to and from work when I first arrived.

 The Cat & Cage pub, never actually stopped there, but should have
LOVE the hanging baskets of flowers

The Centra grocery store for convenient stops along the way home

Getting onto the M50 motorway

Airside Business Park, almost at SanDisk
 And there it is!
 On the way to the Pavillions shopping mall

 And we're here!

 Dunnes is the big grocery store I would use for stocking up on baking supplies

Parking is only free for 2 hours, and I learned the hard way that even if you're there for less than two hours, you still need to validate your ticket before leaving, otherwise the gates wont open.

This roundabout in the mall parking lot is always packed!
 Back home we go!

Favorite view from the bridge

This place was packed from Wednesday nights on every single time I passed it in the evenings...

This building was another landmark I used

The old abandoned flour mill is a massive, crumbling, creepy building. Every time I pass it, I expect to see a zombie look at me through one of the windows. 
 My petrol station

The front gates, home sweet home!

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