Friday, August 2, 2013

Random Thoughts

I've been amassing a collection of random thoughts and pictures, and since my next trip isn't for a few days, thought I would dedicate a blog entry to the happenstance of any given day.

The best way to get amazing food is to ask your server what they recommend. It's usually delicious and takes all the pressure off decision making. It's also a great convo starter and gets them interested in you because you're interested in them.  This works especially well during meals alone when your server happens to be an attractive member of the opposite sex.

There is no such thing as a good hair day in Ireland.  Between the wind, mist and rain I've completely given up trying.

Never leave the windows open when you leave the house in Ireland.  Even if it's beautifully sunny in the morning, chances are you'll come home to puddles on the floor and very wet curtains in the evening.

I'm a clumsy popcorn eater. I only manage to get around 2/3rds of the popcorn into my mouth.

One of my favorite things about varying cultures is that the same word can have different meanings to different people.  My favorite example- In Germany I learned the word they use for energetic is "powerful"...and I very much liked the fact that they were constantly referring to me as "powerful". :D

The problem with the cold and rain in Ireland isn't that it's gloomy...I actually like it (for now).  The problem is that it makes me want to cuddle up on the couch under a blanket and sip hot chocolate while watching movies...not the most inspiring weather for productivity I guess you would say.

I'm amazed that, as humans, we are able to have explosions of varying thoughts going through our heads at any given point in time, and to the outside world we can appear calm and centered in such instances.  Do you ever look at people in meetings that appear to be paying attention, wondering what is really running through their heads?  Given some of the things that run through mine, I'm sure it would be very entertaining to find out.


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