Sunday, June 2, 2013

Tattersalls International Horse Trials

Growing up, I always wanted a horse.  What little girl doesn't?  So when Trish, a friend from SanDisk, mentioned the Tattersalls Horse Trials, I thought it would be a great way to spend a Sunday.  She would be there with her family, and told me to text if i made it so we could hang out and watch the fun.  It was taking place at the fairgrounds, in the beautiful countryside.

I lazily rolled out of bed around 9:30 Sunday morning.  My sleep patterns were still off. I was a morning bird at home, and here I was a night owl.   That wasn't necessarily a bad thing, and I was enjoying sleeping in for a change.  I downed a yogurt and orange for breakfast, jumped into my sweatshirt and jeans, knowing it would be an overcast and cool but not rainy day, and I headed out the door.  I got to the elevator with that feeling I had forgotten something.  95% of the time, when i get that feeling, it's because I really have forgotten something.  Knowing this, i went back to the room and looked around.  Sure enough, I'd forgotten my sunglasses AND the sun tan lotion.  Brilliant.  Literally.  Here's the thing about Ireland- it's overcast, but something about the overcast makes it brighter for the eyes and harsher for the skin than sunny days back home ever would.  Mindful of the wrinkles forming around my eyes and on my face, especially over the past year, i grabbed my sun gear and was back out on my way.  The drive was beautiful, just as the drive to Trim had been when I saw the castle.  I was comfortable enough driving now that I could listen to the radio and the GPS at the same time.  Besides, the GPS and I had come to an understanding.  We each thought the other was useless and therefore didn't interact much.  Mumford and Sons was coming through the speakers...again, along with the usual American top 40 that they loved to listen to so much here.  I rolled down the windows and sang along, completely care free.
When i arrived at the fairgrounds and parked the car, i could immediately see horses everywhere.  It was amazing.  Keep in mind, these are THE best of the best when it comes to pedigree horses.  They were beautifully groomed, and such bold, strong and graceful animals.  I made my way around the training coral and came up to the main jumping course. I watched in awe as they cleared the barriers, some seemingly without effort.  Muscles flexed within their flanks as they leaped from the ground and cleared the hurdles. I wondered if they were having fun. Did they like the attention? Did they hate their riders the way we hate our gym trainers, constantly pushing us to be faster, stronger, better? 
It wasn't long before i found Trish and her gang.  I met her husband Ken and her adorable little boy, Alfie (nickname).  We watched the horses take on the course, one right after another.  Some did it flawlessly, while others were a bit more lazy about it.  Some struggled to pick their hind legs up and when they'd hit the poles, they'd drop to the floor, to the disappointed "Awwww" of the crowds.  It didn't seem like the horses cared much either way.

Ken went off to get us all ice creams, such a fine gentleman!  He came back with the most amazing frozen treat I'd ever
had.  Ice cream is the wrong word, really, it was like the creamiest frozen custard you could ever dream up.  I was in heaven.  Really, it was off the charts creamy.  Even the gelato in Italy, while incredibly delicious in its own right, was not that creamy.  I wondered  what I'd need to do to replicate the recipe and bring it home.  It made the soft serve in the US seem like complete and total crap.  Alfie was enjoying his share just as much as I was, only he was expressing his love by getting it allllll over his face, which was just adorable.  It reminded me of Posey back home and the way she enjoyed her ice cream.  Man i missed her so much.  What i wouldn't give to have her there, up on my shoulders, watching the horsies and commenting as they galloped on by.  Some day I'd bring her.

We walked the course as the horses went through their trials.  The day was moderate in temperature, very comfortable and overcast, perfect weather for the sport.  Kids played in the fields as families strolled around, and everyone brought their dogs out as well.  It was a wonderful family spot, great for a day out.  Another awesome adventure to add to the list, and a dream come true for a girl who'd always wanted a horse.


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