Monday, May 27, 2013

''You're a brave one''

I've been going to the gym every day this week (see food pics below as to why), and despite the old gym equipment, the place isn't so bad.  It has the feel of a really old YMCA, but I heard it had a hot tub and sauna, so I decided after my workout, I'd make use of the more "spa-like" amenities.

I did my 400 calories worth of cardio.  Funny thing, these machines don't seem to burn calories as fast as the ones back home do.  Or perhaps the ones back home are just being too kind.  Either way, it was a good workout.  I jumped into the shower for a quick rinse, then into my bright California bikini.  I made my way out of the locker room into the small pool area, towel in hand, and as soon as i stepped out into actual pool room, I saw/felt everyones eyes turn to me.  I was the youngest person in the room by 40 least, and clearly my swim attire was not what they were used to.  I looked around in a kind of panic, and the first thing that registered was no one had their towels out of the locker area, so I quickly turned around to take my towel back.  I rushed in and around the maze of corners, but then came up to a wall with urinals on it and I thought...wait, those aren't supposed to be in the....OH CRAP!  Just then a guy came out of the area with the lockers, clothed thank GOD, and I said something stupid like, "I'm totally in the wrong place" and made a quick turn and getaway.  I came out of the men's locker room and now everyone was REALLY staring at me.   I smiled sheepishly, turned slowly, and looked at the wall for reference to the "Women's" locker room, then made my way in quickly.  In my defense, the place really is a maze of sharp turns and corners, all with tiled white walls...really!

Once inside the appropriate locker room, I laughed, put my towel by my bag, gave myself a pep talk at the mirror, and head held high, walked back out to the pool area with a smile on my face.  I gracefully slipped into the sauna and stood there for as long as I thought it would take for most people to leave.  By the time I came out, hot and dripping, most people had gone.  I rinsed again before dipping into the cool pool water, which felt soooooo good.  Now the pool was empty, and except for a few older women in the hot tub, I had the place to myself.  I took my time floating in back-stroke form until I had slowly inhaled and exhaled the stresses of the day away.  Talk about a scatterbrain...I really do need to slow down sometimes. 

It was dark by the time I went to the lobby to catch the shuttle back to the hotel, and as I walked out, I asked the older lady at the desk what time they opened in the morning.  She said 7am, and I said I'd be there, to which she responded in a proper Irish accent ''You're a brave one!''


  1. Good to know that the 'ol "Oops silly me, did I walk into the wrong locker room" trick still works somewhere because it never works for me here. - You don't know what an ass-kicking feels like until you've been Zumba'd by half a dozen pissed off 30-somethings suiting up after their Monday morning workout.

    1. LOL, awww Sean, sounds like you should have a blog for YOUR adventures :)
